Two Best Books Plus One For Taking a Biblical Text to a Sermon

It’s been my experience that there are a number of pastors who could use some additional guidance and coaching to take a text from the Bible to a sermon — and a sermon which does justice to unfolding the meaning the original text and applying it to our lives today. In this video I highlight two books which do exactly that, as well as another classic book on preaching itself. I think that our churches could use a lot more of the kind of expository preaching on passages such as our churches enjoyed and grew upon in the past — the kind that both brought people to saving faith and helped them to grow stronger and more stable in that faith. A strong preaching and teaching ministry will always be crucial to a strong and growing church! And though pastors and seminary and Bible college students might find this video most helpful, I do talk some about what expository preaching means in a church. I think that there are a number of people in churches nowadays who have heard so few genuinely Biblically sound expository sermons that they do not recognize one when they see and hear one! And my starting example is the genuine expository sermon which kicked off the Asbury revival on February 8, 2023 — which has been the target of some very unjustified criticism.