Anticipation: Passionate Expectation of the Return of Jesus Christ! — Mark 13:28-37

What is there that you would want to happen in your lifetime? What would you expect so deeply that you would wait and be ready for it most passionately with all your heart? In this video we explore and explain Mark 13:28-37 as the last of the series of three videos on the Olivet Discourse in the Gospel of Mark. In this passage Jesus explains about getting ready for his return and what this calls for from us.

Jesus Is Returning! Are You Ready? — Mark 13:14-27

There was a real expectancy back in the 1970s, during the Jesus Revolution, that Jesus was going to return soon. Are we ready? Are you ready?

In this video, we explore and explain Mark 13:14-27, when Jesus explains what will happen around the time of his return, and what his return will be like. It will be the greatest gathering we have ever seen!

See also:

A Preview of Coming Contractions ►

Gathering ►