Getting Alone With God and Getting On Mission — Mark 1:35-39

What’s the best way to start your day with power and purpose? Or how to stay on mission? In this video we look at Mark 1:35-39, where Jesus does what he needs to do to stay on mission after a day previously of spectacular results which awed many and helped many. Yet there was more that he had to do to stay on mission; and that shows us what we need to do to stay on mission and live out his mission with purpose and power.

A Prayer Request Is Just a Prayer Request!

One of the big problems with praying together with other Christians for prayer requests in our churches is treating a prayer request as just a prayer request! I have more to say on this in the video — but I offer this so we can unite together on what we’re asking God to do and expect answers to prayer with faith — not with something else in mind!

In the video I refer also to these articles on my personal blog”

★ The Circle of Faith and the Ripples of Praise ►
★ Care First ►

Why God Answers Prayer: The Key to Revival, Awakening and Eternal Destinies of So Many: John 14:11-14

Do you consider prayer to be a trivial thing for weak people? Or have you never considered prayer in the great purposes which God has in the time since the resurrected Jesus ascended into heaven and before his return in glory?

In this video we explore and explain John 14:11-14. Included in this passage is John 14:12 , a verse which is especially controversial, and as I explain, needlessly so. We need to consider this passage from the perspective of what Jesus emphasized to the disciples on this night before his crucifixion and in his teaching after his resurrection — and above all, the mission he have his church until the moment of his return. Understanding this will guide us to set aside books of set prayers and praying things for which we do not seriously want answers — to a truly revived and awakened prayer life which seeks to pray the prayers for which God is more than willing to answer!

Lay Your Burden Down — Whoever You Are, Whatever It is!

Some of you need to hear this. Lay your burden down!

Next Time We Have a Pandemic . . . Trust in God and His Promises First

There are several scriptures which I share briefly which I don’t remember anyone mentioning during the most recent pandemic. While I don’t believe in using the promises of God in the Bible like magic formulas, there are several which I believe spoke to the situation. Let’s keep them in mind for our future! God is greater!

Praying For the USA, Canada and the World in This Time of Delusions and Wicked Schemes

In this video I share a burden for prayer that I have had for the United States, Canada and the world which I have had for over a year. Here are the scriptures which I share in the video:

I Timothy 2:1-4

Colossians 2:8-15, and especially verses 10 and 14.

Psalm 2:1-8

Ephesians 6:10-20 and especially verses 18-20

Finally, I refer to this blog entry on praying for the world. This was originally directed toward pastors, but anyone can understand and follow what I wrote about praying for one’s own ministry, one’s church and the world.

The Pastor, Personal Prayer and Power in Ministry

Jesus’s Revolution Against the Unfairness of the World

“Prayer is faith’s revolution against the unfairness of the world,.”

“Forgiveness is love’s revolution against the unfairness of the world.”

In this video we explore and discuss Mark 11:20-25 and how we put what Jesus’s revolution of faith and love into practice in our lives.

Here is a link to Mark 11:20-25 ►

Quotes from David Brainerd included in the video:

►”In prayer my soul was enlarged, and faith drawn into sensible exercise for my poor Indians; and though the work of their conversion appeared impossible with man, yet with God I saw that all things were possible . . . It seemed to me that to that there could be no impediment sufficient to obstruct that glorious work, seeing the living God, as I hoped, was engaged for it.”

► “O it is an emblem of heaven itself to love all the world with a love of kindness, forgiveness and benevolence; to feel our souls sedate, mild and meek; to be void of all evil surmisings and suspicions, and scarce able to think evil of any man upon any occasion; to find our hearts open, simple and free, to those that look upon us with a different eye! “

Passages mentioned in the video:
► Ephesians 4:29-5:2
► I Corinthians 13
► I John 1:7, 9

Conquering Faith

This video is not about prosperity teaching; this video is not about Christian nationalism. This is about conquering the hardest territory that we have and for which we are responsible: ourselves, to become like Christ and also to bring the gospel of Jesus to the world. In this video we explore and discuss Joshua 14:6-15, where Caleb enters the Promised Land at 85 years old, physically rejuvenated and ready for battle, as our example of conquering faith. Here’s a link to the passage: Joshua 14:6-15

I mention this passage in the video: Hannah Whithall Smith, in her book The Christian’s Secret of a Happy Life, cited this passage from an unspecified writer: “Everything is overadvertised. Is it the same with the same with the kingdom of God? Do the fruits which we raise from the seed of the kingdom verify the description given by Him from whom we obtained that good seed? Has He played us false? There is a feeling abroad that Christ has offered in his Gospel more than he has to give; people think that they have not exactly realized what was predicted as the portion of the kingdom of God. But why is this so? Has the kingdom of God been overadvertised, or is it only that it has been underbelieved? Has the Lord Jesus Christ been overestimated, or has he only been undertrusted?”